For the life of me I can't figure out the best way to do this. As of right now I've made approximately 21 scenes, with the pan angle value set in increments of 15, and then put those scenes in a chaser. If I set the transition time between steps small enough the motion feels relatively fluid, though at slower speeds the incremental movement is noticeable.
However I'm mainly curious if there is a better way to do this that I'm perhaps missing? As this method is very time consuming. I've watched tutorials on using the EFX function but that seems to apply to single moving heads. Also read through the whole manual and no described function stuck out to me.
DMX Channel functions are as follows:
1.) 15 Channel Mode(NOTE: Enter Addr-A001 to DMX control mode) Channel Function Value Instruction
2.) Motor1 route 0-255 60°---150°
3.) Motor2 route 0-255 60°---150°
4.) Sum Dimmer 0-255 0---100%
5.) Strobe 0-9 No Strobe 10-255 Strobe speed from slow to
6.) LED1 Dimming 0-255 0---100%
7.) LED2 Dimming 0-255 0---100%
8.) LED3 Dimming 0-255 0---100% 5 Effect
9.) LED4 Dimming 0-255 0---100%
10.) LED5 Dimming 0-255 0---100%
11.) LED6 Dimming 0-255 0---100%
12.) LED7 Dimming 0-255 0---100%
13.) LED8 Dimming 0-255 0---100%
14.) Marco Function 0-7 No Effect
15.) Effect speed 0-255 From slow to fast / Reset 241-250 For 5 seconds