Just about in time to celebrate this amazing 2023, we're thrilled to announce the release of QLC+ 5.0.0 Beta 3!
This new version marks a significant step forward in our journey to provide the best lighting control software.
Feature completeness compared to version 4 is now at 84%.
What's New?
- Stability Enhancements: We've worked hard to make QLC+ 5 more stable than ever, thanks to those who reported crashes with the detail we needed.
- Advanced BPM Work: Extensive work on BPM (Beats Per Minute) functionalities means more precise and dynamic control for your lighting shows.
- Complete Input Profile Editor: The input profile editor is now fully complete
- Custom Theme Creation: Dive into personalizing QLC+ 5 with custom theme creation, saving, and loading options, making your user experience uniquely yours.
- While we've made immense efforts to ensure stability, we recommend using QLC+ 5 in controlled environments until it's fully production-ready.
- Your experiences, insights, and reports on any issues or quirks will be invaluable in making QLC+ 5 the best it can be.
Your support and involvement are what drive this project forward. If you appreciate QLC+, consider contributing in any way you can, be it through feedback, participation in our forums, or donations. Every bit helps us illuminate the future of lighting control together.
Download QLC+ 5.0.0 Beta 3
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