Forgot to set 'profile'. Where are the midi settings stored?

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Enthusiastic like a little child, I started setting up my Akai APC Mini MK2.
Now it triggers nicely events in the VC, and I see some beautiful colors popping up on my controller (created via VC > Button > Custom feedback) ... but I never did anything with the 'Input profile'. That one is still set to 'none'.
When looking at the QXW file, I don't see - at least at first sight - any configuration that stores my button settings, but yet ... it seems to remember it somehow.
Where could my configuration be stored?

Was it totally stupid to not first select an Input Profile?
Or does the input profile have nothing to do with it?
Bit confused with goal of input profile vs. midi device selection.
Was it a flaw to use custom feedback (as this seems to be the same type of information that can be set in the 'input profile configuration'?
That dude that enjoys the lightshow more than the actual concert :-) . Beginner QLC+ user.
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Select your midi device and then the Profile tab and check the correct input profile.
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Open your QXW file with something like Notepad and (in this specific case) search for: "<Input Universe="1" Channel="129" LowerValue="52" UpperValue="66"/>".
So the External Control is stored as Attribute(s) for a Function (Button, Slider, ......).

If you have defined an InputProfile for Universe 1, QLC will use the Description for channel 129, which is "Pad 1-8" (as well as some other settings).
So if you only use the Auto Detect option to assign External Controls, you can do without an Input Profile, but if you use one it looks better ("Pad 1- 8" tells me more than "Channel 129").
If you want to Choose your External Control (instead off Auto Detect), an Input Profile will be very usefull.
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Thank you! Overlooked that for some reason. Now I see it. Clearly you are more awake at midnight than I am at 8 p.m. :-)
Is my assumption correct?
- the input profile its lower value and upper value are just defaults that are used (e.g., during startup) and are overruled by the custom feedback settings (i.e., VC button) if present?
- so if I want to speed up programming of all those colors, I theoretically could do it directly in the text editor and save it as a custom profile for that particular VC.
- exception: if a button needs to get a specific color when used multiple times (e.g, on a different page) -> in that case I'll always need custom feedback.
Got to go to work, but I'll try it anyways this evening. Thanks again!
That dude that enjoys the lightshow more than the actual concert :-) . Beginner QLC+ user.
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I use my Novation Launchpad in a multi page frame and only use custom feedback.

On the first page i have set the feedbacks to 0 - 0 for all the buttons.
That way i can turn all the leds off, if i don't want them to distract me.
I also allways skip to this page before i exit QLC.
A QLC Workspace is like a Bob Ross painting: "it's your world, you can create whatever you want!"
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On the first page i have set the feedbacks to 0 - 0 for all the buttons.
That way i can turn all the leds off, if i don't want them to distract me.
Now that's again some good advice!
I also allways skip to this page before i exit QLC.
Hehe, bit handier than always 'pulling the plug' :)

That dude that enjoys the lightshow more than the actual concert :-) . Beginner QLC+ user.
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