Change scene settings live

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Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:32 am
Real Name: Pascal

we’re currently looking into QLC+ for our studio lights, but we're missing a feature that allows the modification of scenes, with the ability to save these changes live - something similar to what Luminair offers. The Problem is that we have different Light setups. When we reposition lights, we need to adjust their intensity or color without the hassle of creating a new scene, linking it to a button, and then switching back to play mode. Ideally, we want to simply turn on a scene, make changes, and then move on to the next scene seamlessly.

Is it possible to achieve this in QLC+, or does anyone know of a software available for PC or Mac that includes this feature?
Thanks in advance.
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These may help (both are in the main toolbar):
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You'll find the animation widget helpful for these needs as well. It will let you change the colour and intensity of a running RGB matrix.
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