The definition of a calculated color space (product advert)

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I came across this nice little 14-minute video explaining the meaning of color (and how the emitters are fed by the calculated combination of possible values to achieve 'a' color).

Be warned: This video is a product advertising for the ETC EON desk pointing out its color engine possibilities.
But that is not my point nor is it my intention to start discussing the QLC+ color model.

IMHO a quick tutorial about colors, the way we humans, perceive them, and how you can achieve an outcome by mixing emitter values.

TopTip for the novices in LED-world: make sure you understand the color triangle and the way the outcome of the driven emitters influences the end color result.

And again: this video is an advertisement for a commercial product and how its engine is capable of doing the shifts - this doesn't matter here.
Its the principle behind it I want to share with you.

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Offtopic note: Our "chinese" RGBAW LED Pars do not like if all emitters are on full (the heat causes the emitters to fail). If someone is to implement RGBAW color mixer in QLC+: bonus points for limit on total output (max 50%) or number of emitters on full (e.g. max 2 on full)
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Very good resource, thanks for posting
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