No Wifi !

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:39 pm
Real Name: Alan R

I have just booted QLCPLUS Raspberry Pi official build and it boots, however no is no wifi! I'm using a PI 3 and it has onboard wifi. The docs say:

'Raspberry Pi 4 and 3, instead, have an onboard WiFi module already active and ready to use at boot time'

However it isn't picking up an IP address as ArtNet and E1.31 are showing as ''

I've also added the network info to the WPA_Supplicant.conf file ( ... erry-pi-4/)

But still no wifi!

Is there something I need to do here, have a missed something somewhere?

much thanks
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This is not quite a QLC+ related question.
"active and ready to use at boot time" doesn't mean the RPi WiFi interface will connect to your preferred WiFi network (by reading the password from your mind?) and acquire an IP address.
That's basic Linux knowledge and in any case you can configure a WiFi connection via web interface. Means you first need to connect with a network cable and then you can continue via WiFi.
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