Triggering a toggle button with MIDI notes

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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:17 am
Real Name: Grant Baker

Hullo there lovely people,

I am trying to trigger QLC+ virtual console buttons with a MIDI note generated in Ableton Live via the IAC Driver.
I have had partial success in that if the button in QLCs virtual console is set to "Flash" and I use a long MIDI note the scene will start and stop in line with the beginning and end of the MIDI note.
If I use the "Toggle" setting the one MIDI note will toggle the button both on and off at the start of the MIDI note rather than needing a second note to toggle it off. So the lights flash on and off very briefly rather than stay toggled on.

I have a sequence that I want to use but the "Flash" setting doesn't work for sequences, only scenes.

Any suggestions on how to get the toggle setting to work for me? Which part of the note triggers the toggle state?

QLC+ 4.12.7
Mac OS 12.7.1
Ableton Live Suite 11.3.13

I have done a search and this was as close to anything useful in that it showed me that using the Flash setting would work for a scene. ... 16978dbf22

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Real Name: Michel Sliepenbeek

It becomes a lot easier if you use an Input Profile (QXI file).

You could watch this video (keep in mind that QLC just receives MIDI, it does not matter whether it is being send by a Hard Ware Controller or a "Soft Ware Controller"):

Make sure you set the Check Box (at 01:10 in the video).
A QLC Workspace is like a Bob Ross painting: "it's your world, you can create whatever you want!"
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Real Name: Kevin Roth

I wonder if this post is relevant? viewtopic.php?p=57378. It mentions having to turn off the "feedback" option on the input profile to get "Toggle" functions working from Ableton via IAC.

If you're open to a bit of creativity -- you could try putting the sequence into a chaser and tying it to a Cuelist widget. Configure the cuelist so one button is play/pause and the other is stop. Each button has its own external input assignment, so you could assign one note to play the cuelist and another note to stop it. This suggestion came from: viewtopic.php?p=67912#p67912
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:17 am
Real Name: Grant Baker

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Turning the feedback off on the IAC Driver in the input profile did the trick.

Much appreciated.
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Posts: 76
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2023 2:31 pm
Real Name: Kevin Roth

You’re welcome.

Looking at your screenshot, I see you’re using the same universe for your external input (ableton) and for your dmx output to your lights. I’m not sure of all the ramifications of combining those, but I run my external input on a separate universe from my lighting controller (windows pc instead of mac, and multi-play instead of ableton, but conceptually similar).
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