save 3D View rendering settings in the show

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On linux, the rendering settings are not saved: Quality / Ambient Light / Smoke Amount / Show FPS.
Every time one starts v5 he has to change them manually, while only the environment it's saved.
Could it be possible to save also these settings within the show file?
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Doesn't this influence the portability of the show file? You can prep your show on a computer with a dedicated GPU and afterwards copy it onto your production machine that has shared video rendering.
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Hi, if this was the reason v5 should remember the settings on the same machine but it does not.
Anyway I was more interested to save the aspect of the rendering, Ambient Light and Smoke,
on my laptop Quality basically doesn't change the cpu and ram usage (that is quite high, I don't have any dedicated GPU).
For me the reason to use Quality=Low is only to avoid the beam rendering when needed.
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