keyboard shortcuts

Ask a generic question about the usage of QLC+, not related to a particular operating system
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Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:06 pm
Real Name: Federico

Hello community, I'm putting together a map of keyboard shortcuts, because I haven't found it anywhere. neither in the user manual, nor in this forum.
I put this mapping together trying, but I don't know if it is complete.

I offer it to anyone who thinks it can be useful. And also so that it can be completed with your knowledge. :)

this mapping was created with qlc 4.12.7 on linux mint, but I assume they work on windows too

* Ctrl+a => select All in any active list
* Ctrl+d => Dump DMX values
* Ctrl+m => fixture Monitor
* Ctrl+o => Open workplace
* Ctrl+s => Save workplace
* Ctrl+F11 => Fullscreen
* Ctrl+F12 => switch to operate/design mode
* Shift+F1 => Help Manual

* Ctrl+l => add folder to active function category
* Ctrl+w => function Wizard

VIRTUAL CONSOLE TAB (in design mode)
* Ctrl+e => Active widget propertis
* Ctrl+shift+a => add new Audio triggers widget
* Ctrl+shift+b => add new Button widget
* Ctrl+shift+C => add new Cue list widget
* Ctrl+shift+d => add new speed Dial widget
* Ctrl+shift+f => add new frame widget
* Ctrl+shift+i => add new slIder matrix widget
* Ctrl+shift+k => add new knob widget
* Ctrl+shift+l => add new label widget
* Ctrl+shift+m => add new button Matrix widget
* Ctrl+shift+o => add new sOlo frame widget
* Ctrl+shift+r => add new animation widget
* Ctrl+shift+s => add new Slider widget
* Ctrl+shift+t => add new clock widget
* Ctrl+shift+x => add new XY pad widget
* shift+b => set active background color
* shift+f => set active font color
* shift+i => set active background image
* shift+o => set active font
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:06 pm
Real Name: Federico

On the other hand, I find that there are shortcuts missing that I think would be useful. But I'm going to post that in the fature request
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Shortcuts for main window are written in the documentation

Shortcuts for Function manager are written in the documentation

Are you sure you have read it?

I'll add those for the Virtual Console
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:06 pm
Real Name: Federico

sorry!!! I hadn't found it... my bad :oops:

Thanks for the information
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