Howto create anUp and down move sequence with light on during up

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QLC is a very nice program.
I'm looking how to create this simple effect (often used in shows) with a chaser that i could apply on a button:
- Chaser move up with light on (from bottom to top) - 5 seconds
- Chaser move down with light off - 2 seconds

Thanks for help ! :)
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Welcome to the forum,
Question: How does your chaser know that your lights are on or off? And what is the reason that you want to 'reset' the steps with your chaser?
Please explain a little more what you want to achieve... Are there movers in the play?
(With some wizardry, you could set a time widget to have the chaser use another timing, but it will get complex... maybe there is another workaround.)
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Thanks :-)

I probably use an incorrect word instead of chaser i mean a moving effect (beam, wash)

Until now, i'm using basic functions (multiple scenes for colors, multiple scenes for gobos, ... ) and i'm using EFX for moving.

So, i'm wondering how to create a specific move described in my first post. (which seems widely use in light show in concerts).
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Create two scenes: one for the top position and one for the bottom position.
Create two buttons to activate those scenes.
Create a slider that controls the Pan /Tilt Speed of your moving heads.

Put your heads in the bottom position, set your Pan/Tilt Speed slider in the Middle position (dmx 128), now press the button that activates the Top Scene and measure the time it will take the heads to travel from bottom to top.
If it is less than 5 seconds, move your Pan/Tilt speed slider up (if its more , move it down) and repeat this action untill you find the proper DMX value to use.
Now do the same to find the value to "go down in 2 seconds".

Create two more scenes that set the Pan/Tilt Speed to the values you found.

Now create two collections:
- one with the scene for the Bottom position, the scene that sets the speed to "2 seconds" and the scene that turn the lights off.
- one with the scene for the Top position, the scene that sets the speed to "5 seconds" and the scene that turn the lights on.

Create a chaser with those two collections, set Step Duration to "per Step"and set the duration of the first step to 2 and the duration of the second step to 5 seconds (do not use Fade In or Fade Out).

- if your Moving Heads do not have a Pan/Tilt Speed channel: Bad Luck. :) :D
- if your Moving Heads are not all of the same Brand and model, you probably have to use different DMX values for each Fixture.
- if you do it this way (with the two collections in the given order), you have to start your chaser 2 seconds before you want the lights to turn on.
If you ensure that the Moving Heads are in the correct position on beforehand, you can flip the order and they will start immediately.
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Thanks a lot for those explanations...
I have a pan/tilt speed channel and two moving heads of the same brand.
I'll try your method :)
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