Status of RPi sync video playback?

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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I am starting a new project on which I'd like to run a video/audio/DMX show from a Raspberry Pi. Before diving into configuring a new Pi with the latest software, I'm curious if anyone can advise on whether video is working on RPis? The intention would be to have the Qt UI disabled and the video playing full-screen from the Pi. HDMI or composite output to be determined later.

There are some docs I found, but they are pretty old, in which the recommendation is to run the video from a separate omxplayer. The current RPi documentation for QLC+ makes no mention of video playback.

In general, even on Windows, I don't get the sense that video is really a first-class functionality, so, maybe I should look for another system or some hybrid setup.

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If video is critical to your production, use another solution for playback. There is a tad of programs you can use that respond to OSC (OLA) messages.
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