Change scene without flash

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Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:14 pm
Real Name: simone

I have a little problem, when i change a scena the light before change to the new color have like a down and up with the new color. Example:
- red scena: light red
- i change the scena to blue: the light go black and after go blue immediately. But you notice that.
I trough to use the fade in/out but is the same.
Could you please help me ?

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Joined: Thu May 07, 2015 10:34 am
Real Name: Edgar Aichinger

Please explain better:

- what fixture is it that exhibits this behaviour? E.g. if it only has a color wheel and not RGB/W/A/UV or CMY or whatever color intensity channels, it cannot fade from one color to another, by design.

- what elements in QLC are you using when you try to change scenes - buttons, faders, cuelists/chasers in virtual console?

If possible, attach your failing workspace (or even better, a small demo workspace that exhibits the problem), and your custom fixture definition (if you use such), so we can see what is going on.
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Please tell us which Fixtures you use (or better: post your workfile).
If your fixtures have a color wheel (and are set to "Dim while changing color"), this is normal behaviour (of the fixture, QLC cannot change that).

Another option could be that in your Red and Blue scene, you not only set the color but the level as well.
If you create seperate scenes for Color Only (unbox the level Chanel) and set your level separately (by creating another scene or better use a fader for this) the fade in and fade out will no longer affect the level as well.
A QLC Workspace is like a Bob Ross painting: "it's your world, you can create whatever you want!"
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