QLC+ 4.12.7 release

Public announcements of new QLC+ releases.

PLEASE, do not post bugs and issues here !
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Hi everyone. Here's another maintainance version of QLC+.
Version 4.12.7 comes, as usual, with a bunch of fixes and some good news.
Thanks again to everyone who contributed to test and improve this version!

The two major changes you need to consider when coming from previous versions are:
  • LTP channels will now fade out as well
  • Blackout now involves only HTP channels. Finally your motors will stay where they are! :)
Some more love have gone also to the audio playback.

@Apple Silicon users: I'm still working to deliver universal binaries that work on Intel/Apple Silicon hardware. Unfortunately there are still technical issues that I hope to resolve soon.
@Raspberry Pi users: version 20230519 is already available in the reserved area.

  • engine: improve audio fade in/out
  • engine: consider EFX fade in
  • engine: handle LTP channels fade out
  • engine: make sure input/output device names are unique
  • engine: fix crash when no IO plugin is found
  • engine: fix blackout to leave LTP channels untouched
  • engine: add volume control to audio function
  • UI/Monitor: fix 2D view multiple heads not showing correctly
  • UI/Audio Editor: do not stop audio function if not previewing
  • UI/Fixture Remap: add button to import fixture lists (.qxfl)
  • UI/Fixture Remap: fix wrong widgets remapping
  • UI/Wizard: improved generated function names (thanks to netmindz)
  • UI: remember state of Function selection dialog
  • Plugins/OSC: fix broadcast packets reception (thanks to Jannis Achstetter)
  • Plugins/E1.31: allow to set 2 digits of the IP address
  • Plugins/MIDI: fix consecutive notes not notified on macOS (thanks to Nils Tijtgat)
  • Virtual Console/Audio Triggers: stop sending DMX values on deactivation
  • Virtual Console/Animation: include all available presets
  • Virtual Console: submaster now affects widgets on all pages but only on active frames
  • Web Access: add support for widget background images
  • Web Access: improve button layout and text overflow (thanks to pomowunk)
  • Application: fix qxf file association on Windows (if installed as admin)
  • RGB scripts: added 'Marquee' script (thanks to Branson Matheson)
  • Input profiles: added ADJ MIDICON-2 (thanks to David Thomas)
  • Input profiles: added Akai APC Mini MK2 (thanks to Michael Mertens)
  • Fixture updated: Blizzard Lighting Pixellicious (thanks to Yestalgia)
New fixtures:
  • New fixture: Vari-Lite VL4000 Spot (thanks to Håvard Ose Nordstrand)
  • New fixtures: Clay Paky Tambora Batten, Tambora Flash, Tambora Linear 100, Sharpy X Frame, Volero Wave (thanks to Gianluca Baggi)
  • New fixture: beamZ BAC302 (thanks to Matej Lazar)
  • New fixture: Varytec Giga Bar HEX 3 (thanks to Niklas Larsson)
  • New fixtures: Equinox Fusion Orbit MKII, QTX PAR-180 (thanks to Wilbur)
  • New fixtures: Cameo ROOT Par 6, AFX BARLED200-FX (thanks to Florian Faber)
  • New fixtures: BoomToneDJ Moving Wash 5X15 Speed, lightmaXX Vega Spot 60 (thanks to memrex)
  • New fixture: Eurolite TSL-150 (thanks to Samuel Mueller)
  • New fixtures: Ayra ALO Micro Scan, Eurolite EDX-4RT, JB Systems MINI-PAR 12RGBW, N-Gear Light Spotlight 12 (thanks to Frank Rosquin)
  • New fixture: Elation E Spot III (thanks to Ludovic Martinez)
  • New fixtures: Chauvet Intimidator Spot 375Z IRC, Eliminator Lighting LP 12 HEX (thanks to Andrew Pavlin)
  • New fixtures: Chauvet SlimPAR T12BT, Q12ILS and Q12BT (thanks to Andrew Pavlin)
  • New fixture: Lumeri Eco COB 15 (thanks to Robert Rieks)
  • New fixtures: Martin ERA 400 Performance, ENTTEC SMART PXL 40/60 Dot, ENTTEC CVC4, UKing ZQ-B243 (thanks to Yestalgia)
  • New fixtures: Varytec Hero Wash 712 Z RGBW Zoom, Cameo Studio PAR 64 Q 8W (thanks to Anton Luka Šijanec)
  • New fixtures: American DJ Jolt 300, Showtec Star Dream 144 LED White (thanks to David Gouronc)
  • New fixture: Antari Z-1000 MKII (thanks to Jérôme)
  • New fixtures: Event Lighting PAR19x12O, PAR6x12OB2, PAR6x12OB, Pixbar 12x12W (thanks to Michael Tosatto)
  • New fixture: U'King ZQ-B93 Pinspot RGBW (thanks to Jarosław Biernacki)
  • New fixtures: Stage Right 200W COB LED Ellipsoidal, Stage Right 30W LED Spot (thanks to Dave Vecchio)
  • New fixture: Rockville Rockwedge LED (thanks to Ryan Carter)
  • New fixtures: Showtec Starforce LED, Equinox Fusion Spot MK III (thanks to gnomesenpai)
  • New fixture: Chauvet SlimPAR Pro Pix (thanks to Ryan Carter)
  • New fixture: DTS Scena LED 200 (thanks to Freddy Hoogstoel)
  • New fixture: Chauvet Intimidator Beam Q60 (thanks to Nathan)
  • New fixtures: Eurolite LED T-36 RGB Spot, Eurolite LED SLS-183/10 RGB, Stairville Stage PAR CX-2 RGBAW (thanks to Felix Hartnagel)
  • New fixture: American DJ WiFly Bar QA5 (thanks to Edgar Aichinger)
  • New fixtures: Laserworld EL-230RGB MK2, Eurolite LED Multi FX Laser Bar, UKing Mini Double Sided Moving Head (thanks to e-shock)
  • New fixture: lightmaXX Vega Shiggy Beam Wash (thanks to Jarada)
  • New fixture: Eurolite LED Super Strobe ABL (thanks to Sebastian Moeckel)
  • New fixture: beamZ Fuze75B Beam (thanks to Marcin Kwiecien)
  • New fixture: Eurolite LED FE-800 (thanks to Clausi4711)
  • New fixtures: Varytec LED Bar 240/8 CW/WW, Equinox SpectraPix Batten, Betopper LPC-017 (thanks to Michel Sliepenbeek)
  • New fixtures: Chauvet Intimidator Scan LED 100, Equinox Fusion Spot Max MKIII (thanks to Michel Sliepenbeek)
  • New fixture: Elation SIX PAR Z19 IP (thanks to Sophia Rodriguez)
  • New fixture: Betopper LPC007 (thanks to Romil Barticulo)
  • New fixture: Betopper LM108 Wash Moving Head (thanks to Luca Giovannesi)
  • New fixture: Starway Servo Beam 10R (thanks to David Talet)
  • New fixture: Cameo Zenit B200 (thanks to ikr)
  • New fixture: Stairville BEL4 - Battery Event Light 4x15W (thanks to Pascal)
  • New fixture: U'King B117 Par Can 4in1 RGBW (thanks to Turning Point)
  • New fixture: Chauvet Followspot 120ST (thanks to Scott Yarbrough)
  • New fixture: Chauvet COLORband T3 BT (thanks to William Todd)
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"UI/Fixture Remap: add button to import fixture lists (.qxfl)" Oooooooh yes !!! :D

Thank you Massimo, thank you to all who tested it. I'll be happy to try this new version (and v5 when i'll have more spare time). Beautifull work again !
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LTP channels will now fade out as well
Blackout now involves only HTP channels
not bad for a maintainance version :)
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Boy do I appreciate the hard work dedicated to this platform. I always appreciate new scripts.
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These are some massive achievements.
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mcallegari wrote: Sat May 20, 2023 3:15 pm [*] engine: make sure input/output device names are unique
Hello, not sure if this is related to addressing using multiple identical MIDI devices, but from my testing this functionality is still buggy. As in, a show file will not remember/patch each device properly. What appears to happen is QLC assigns separate names in the input/output manager patching section (i.e. APC Mini, and APC Mini 2), and you can manually select the correct devices for the desired universes, but on the left side in the universe details it lists the simplified name for each universe i.e. 'APC Mini' without the '2' on the second one. Then when saving and reloading the file it reverts to all universes patched to the first instance of that device name. From there the only fix I found is to entirely unpatch and repatch all affected midi devices.

Thank you for all your work & effort!!
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(off topic)

Hey Nathan,

There is activate development in progress for multiple devices with the same name, however; if you want to get it working now I have some options for you.

Please feel free to DM me or message the official Instagram so we can jump on a call.
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Thanks Massimo, and everyone who helped.
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Are there details/specifics as to what the "more love have gone also to the audio playback" ?

What exactly is this "love"? And on which OS?
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Posts: 4727
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

markzvo wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 6:12 pm Are there details/specifics as to what the "more love have gone also to the audio playback" ?

What exactly is this "love"? And on which OS?
Changes are listed in the changelog. You can check the specific code modifications yourself, like this:
https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/c ... gine/audio

In this case, changes are OS independent.
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