MacOs Enttec Open DMX USB fixtures sometimes flickers uncontrollably

The issues found when using the Input/Output Manager panel
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I have a problem using Open DMX USB - ENTTEC QLC + I tried different versions, but all the same. I used QLC in a Linux environment, no problems, now I'm on MacOS BigSur, Monterey, Mojave...same problem everywhere. When I switch programs, the QLC plus reacts to it and the light on the light fixtures blinks. Or disappears for a while, then appears. I can't figure out where the problem is. I changed the frequency from 30 Hz to 40 Hz, the problem does not disappear. What would you recommend?
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Welcome to the forum,

You have to lower the DMX frequency. The CPU of your computer is in charge of DMX timing. If it gets busy doing other stuff, it might shortcoming.
How many fixtures are you running with?
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As in which project. There are 20 fixtures, sometimes 30. So the problem is with the frequency? What should I put? I have two Macbook Pros. One 2014 13 inch 2.8 Ghz Intel Core I5 dul core. And the other MacBook Pro 2015 15 inch 2.5Ghz Inrel Core I7 quad core. The biggest problems are with MacBook Pro 2014.
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Try 15Hz or 20Hz.
It is understandable that the 2014 has the biggest problems since that is the weakest CPU of the two.
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Thank you very much! I put it on 15Hz and it doesn't flicker. So I need the most powerful processor possible for everything to work perfectly.
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Marex wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:22 am Thank you very much! I put it on 15Hz and it doesn't flicker. So I need the most powerful processor possible for everything to work perfectly.
With 30+ fixtures, I would silently suggest you buy a DMX interface with an inbuilt processor and then even the slowest PC on earth can run a show...
This is an investment, true, but you are safe for a stressless future ;-)
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I had never heard of such interfaces. Can you recommend a good and reliable one?
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Yestalgia wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:17 pm ENTTEC DMX USB Pro
As per forum rules, we don't promote a particular product or make so I'll extend the list ;-) [silently: All my DMX interfaces are EntTec's]

* DMXKing ultraDMX micro
* DMX4ALL StageProfi MK2
* Eurolite USB DMX512 Pro MK2
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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Thank you very much! I understood everything! At least now it is clear what is needed!
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