GPIO not working as Otputs on Rpi 4

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Hi all!
I have installed the latest QLC+ raspios_bullseye_20230518 (4.12.7) image on a Rpi 4. The system boots correctly, and I can access the web server on port 9999. However, nothing happens when I configure the output of Universe 1 with the [GPIO lines] and modify fader 18 of the simple desk to activate GPIO 17. In fact, if I monitor via terminal with the raspi-gpio command, GPIO 17 appears configured as input.
I have also tried to modify /etc/init.d/qlcplus to force GPIO 17 as output on start-up, but it doesn't change.
Any idea how to configure the GPIOs as outputs and be able to control them from the simple desk?

PD: I also tested previous version of raspios_bullseye (4.12.6) :-)
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Hi, it might be something that changed in the hardware IO configuration at boot on the latest Bullseye image.
I need to check myself.
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Hi Massimo,
Thank you for your fast response!
I also tested the image buster_20200830, it is the first image that works with my rpi4, and I have the same problem...Could be some configuration associated with the hardware of the rpi 4 more than a boot configuration?
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Hi, sorry for the huge delay.
I've finally been able to check this.
I have enabled GPIO plugin as output and set GPIO #22 as output.
Then I played values 0 and 255 on DMX channel 23 and I tested with a multimeter that GPIO22 was moving between 0V and 3.3V

Therefore QLC+ and the RaspiOS image work as expected.
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