OSC Plugin - Sending OSC Path

The issues found when using the Input/Output Manager panel
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Real Name: Santiago Benejam Torres

I'm testing some OSC controllers like TouchOSC and recently Open Stage Control. I think I discovered a bug in the OSC Plugin - Profile Editor. Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 with QLC+4.12.7-GIT and the QLC+5 Test version.

If an OSC path includes the character '_' in the first elements of the path they are sent correctly, if the final part of the path is for example button_1 which includes the character "_" is sent only /button.

OSC path:
/button_1 /button is received in controller
/tab_1/button_1 is converted to /tab_1/button
/Main_1/tab_1/button_1 is converted to /Main_1/tab_1/button
Renaming /button_1 to /button1 sends /button1

I don't have any problem using for example button1 instead of button_1 but Open Stage Control when you inserts a button or a slider automatically assigns button_1, button_2, fader_1, fader_2.
QLC+ Plugin Profile editor creates the correct path that received from the OSC Controller when creating a profile, but when QLC+ sends the path does not send characters from the '_' character.
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I found this

Code: Select all

    if (path.length() > 2 && path.at(path.length() - 2) == '_')
in osccontroller.cpp at line 306. I made a quick test changing '_' to ' '. It seems that QLC+ is sending now the correct OSC path for /button_1 or /fader_1. But I don't know if this change can affect others parts of the OSC Plugin, it seems that part of code is for "multiple value paths".

https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/b ... #L305-L341

Code: Select all

    // multiple value path
    if (path.length() > 2 && path.at(path.length() - 2) == '_')
        int valIdx = QString(path.at(path.length() - 1)).toInt();
        if (m_universeMap[universe].multipartCache.contains(path) == false)
            qDebug() << "[OSC] Multi-value path NOT in cache. Allocating default.";
            m_universeMap[universe].multipartCache[path] = QByteArray((int)2, (char)0);

        values = m_universeMap[universe].multipartCache[path];
        if (values.length() <= valIdx)
            values.resize(valIdx + 1);
        values[valIdx] = (char)value;
        m_universeMap[universe].multipartCache[path] = values;

        //qDebug() << "Values to send:" << QString::number((uchar)values.at(0)) <<
        //            QString::number((uchar)values.at(1)) << values.length();
        values.append((char)value); // single value path

    QString pTypes;
    pTypes.fill('f', values.length());

    m_packetizer->setupOSCGeneric(oscPacket, path, pTypes, values);
    qint64 sent = m_outputSocket->writeDatagram(oscPacket.data(), oscPacket.size(),
                                             outAddress, outPort);
    if (sent < 0)
        qDebug() << "[OSC] sendDmx failed. Errno: " << m_outputSocket->error();
        qDebug() << "Errmgs: " << m_outputSocket->errorString();
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I need to read the code again, but I think some controllers use that syntax to handle mutlple values at once.
In particular I think that was TouchOSC XY pad
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You are right. I just tested an XY pad with TouchOSC Mk2 and seems that XY pad is using 2 parameters. For my tests with Open Stage Control I can rename the widgets no problem. I have to test XY widgets in Open Stage Control, the buttons, faders and other widgets seems to work very similar as TouchOSC.
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