Some Functions not working in Operate Mode

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Hello all,

Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn't find any post about it though.

I'm building my first project. I've made a few RGBMatrixs, they're working as expected in both Design and Operate modes. However when building Chasers, Scenes, and Sequences I have all kinds of issues.

Chasers will look to be working in Design mode, I can run the chaser and the Simple Desk / DMX View with show the correct changes. I switch to Operate mode and I get no changes at all. This is the same for Scenes, I manually activate a Scene in Operate mode and nothing changes in the Simple Desk / DMX View.

Sequences will look fine in the Functions tab when selecting each step and watching the bottom section for what changes and is active. I run the test play and look at the simple desk and only 2 of the 4 fixtures are running the steps. In Operate mode, I get no changes on any fixture as the steps run.

Thanks in advance for any help. Hopefully there is something simple I'm missing, as I'm very new to this. If I didn't mention something I should have, please let me know.
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Welcome to the forum,

What you describe is a beginner's fault and you are excused.
What might be not so obvious at the start is that QLC+ is way more powerful than conventional desks. The Simple Desk is there only to mimic the old desks.

Now where QLC+'s concept is more advanced, is that you build your show using the scenes and chasers (and other powerful features). What you did trying with Simple Desk but now in the functions tab.
Create them and combine them onto your Virtual Console. Building a VC seems complex at first, but it's quite efficient and powerful.
Have a look at #4 and #5 here
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GGGss wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:42 pm What you did trying with Simple Desk but now in the functions tab.
Thank you for the response and welcome,

Sorry if I was unclear. My issue exists without touching the Simple Desk. I am not using the Simple Desk for any other function but to check channel outputs, same as the DMX View. I have watched the videos linked previously. My process for building Chasers, Scenes, and Sequences follows the sames steps.

However I still get different results when playing back said functions depending on if I'm in Operate mode or in Design mode.
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Another possibility:

In design mode in the Functions Editor: if your cursor is on a scene (let's say "All Pars Color Blue") it will show you (in DMX view) the effect in Real Time.
If you now go to the VC editor (leaving your cursor where it was) it will still show the effect of the scene in DMX view.
You should get yourself accustomed to always set your cursor to "somewhere where it does not harm" before you go from Function Edior to VC Editors.

Keep in mind that you "design to run in Operate Mode". As long as it doesn't look right in Operate Mode, you are not ready with designing. :) ;)

If that also does not make any difference, you should attach your workfile.
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I found the issue.

I had a VC slider that was at 100% that was locking the values I was trying to adjust with the Chasers / Scenes.

I'm sorry I'm dumb lol :(

Thanks for everyone that tried to help
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