Crossfading control between two scenes

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Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:58 pm
Real Name: Marco Marino

In theatrical use, I need to control the crossfading between two scenes.
Often I need that the previous scene to be still full when the next is entering.
The best solution would be to have two faders in cue list.
Otherwise, I thought to insert in the cue list(Chaser), between the two scenes, a collection that contains the two scenes.
If I set fade-in and fade-out time and proceede step by step, it work as I expected:
Step1 Scene1 100%
Step2 Scene1 100% - Scene2 enter smoothly from 0 to 100 by the set time. At the end, both Scene1 and Scene2 are 100%
Step3 Scene2 remain full, while Scene1 exit smoothly from 100 to 0 by the set time. At the end, only Scene2 is 100%

If I use the fader, it doesn't work as I expected:
when I move the fader, the collection override the scenes.
The cue list starts normally with Scene1 100%
In the first step of the fader (1%-99%) the output is Scene1+Scene2 1% (instead keep Scene1 full and increase scene2 0 to 100)
At the end of course the output is both Scene1 and Scene2 100%
When I move the fader again, the output is Scene1+Scene2 100% that decrese to blackout (instead keep Scene2 full on and decrease only Scene2 100 to 0)

I've tested this behavour in both 4 and 5 version
Anyone solved the problem?
Thank you
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The best approach to this problem I think is to put the dimmers at 0% in every scene see modified file. And create an scene with all dimmers at 200%
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Real Name: Ken Coughlin

One way to do what you described is to create a third scene, Scene 1.5, which has all 13 instruments at the level you want. Scene 1 has 0ms Fade out, new Scene 1.5 has a 5s Fade in and Fade out, but no Hold, Scene 2 has 0ms Fade in.
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