Install custom input Midi profile

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Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:22 pm
Real Name: Gareth


I have just downloaded and installed the Raspberry Pi image and loaded up my project and all working well.

However, I have created a custom Profile for midi input for a Helix HX Effect on the desktop app. How do I import this onto the Raspberry Pi?

Also, on the Raspberry Pi, when I access the webui, within the Raspberry Pi system Configuration page, there is a header for Network Configuration, but no details show. The Project Autostart information is show, and this does work correctly.

Any help loading the custom profiles would be appreciated
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Hi, you can load files via SSH.
Just make sure you pick the right user folder. IIRC it is

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Otherwise there are a few softwares to read/write files on a ext4 filesystem from within Windows/macOS. So you can copy your profile on the SD card with your computer.
Posts: 15
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Real Name: Gareth

Hi Massimo

I have ssh onto the pi, and used scp to copy the files.
I initially created the directory in /.qlcplus/inputprofiles at the root on the system, and granted full access. This didnt work - and I suspect this was incorrect.

I have then created the directory in /home/pi/.inputprofiles and copied the profiles into there. However when I go into the web interface and configuration, and I try to select a profile, it still contains the standard list. I have rebooted with same result.

I am able to select the Input for the universe to be [midi] HX Effects Midi 1.
I have tried sending the midi values to the PI, but this doesn't activate the chasers in the Virtual Console. This does work with the same project running on my Mac.

One last thing, on the Mac I have created a Midi profile, but it doesn't contain any mappings in the editor - however this still works. And also works if I dont select a profile [None].

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It's not

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Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:22 pm
Real Name: Gareth

Brilliant. Thank you. Worked a treat
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