Scene Priority Value

Request a feature that you would like to see in QLC+.
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Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:15 pm
Real Name: Connor Ehrgood

Hi All,

I run live rock shows mostly manually in real-time using a number of midi controllers.

A scene I would like is to essentially drop all running scenes (regardless of which scenes those are), and strobe a specific set of fixtures when I push a midi button, and then stop strobing and go back to the scenes that were previously up when I release.

If I could assign a scene that had a higher priority than all the others, I could do that pretty easily. I can think of a good number of ways I could use an overall priority value for scenes. If a scene has a higher priority value than another, that scene is what takes control of the parameters it affects. That would be AWESOME!

Keep up the great work!

Best regards,
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Did you ever find a solution to this?
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why not using a cue list with 2 steps representing the 2 states you described?
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I honestly see this is as more of a concept debate between the guys that stack their shows and hit the go button and ones that want to improv it live. Priority is the only way I see this getting done Massimo. Using so many cue lists on the VC is cumbersome and, annoying. To simply be able to say this button will always override this one based on a priority number, to the OP is so intuitive.

Russell Jones
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I've mentioned this kind of behaviour in relation to flash buttons in Solo Frames.

Please see:
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I accomplish something like this by having a "clear" button in each solo frame, which is triggered by loopback. Those buttons all trigger their own individual empty scene. Any scene you want to override all others just needs to include the appropriate loopback channel and be triggered by a button not in one of the frames with a clear button.
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