Why is everything so huge?

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Hi, I just wanted to try out QLC+ 5 but I wondered why the UI is so huge? Could it be that it determines its zoom factor on the screen size? I'm using a rather big screen but only use a portion of it for a single app window so a possibility to set the zoom factor would be helpful. ;)
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

QLC+ 5 works on screen DPIs and it attempts to render the icons more or less with the size of a finger
In the future I might add a parameter to scale the whole UI
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That's a noble intent. I think estimating the DPI can be problematic if a screen is a bit large like mine but still has a standard DPI count (103 DPI, 4K resolution). So it might be confusing that the ui scales differently on every screen. This is a rather unusual behavior. But an option to scale the whole ui should do the trick to suit everyones personal preferences.
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