Crash editing fixture definition

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First crash of 2023!
Yestalgia, I won a present, isn't it? ;)

. start v.5 beta 2 and go to Add Fixtures > generic > and select generic dimmer
. click "edit the selected fixture definition" > v.5 crashes

I guess the answer is here:

[FixtureBrowser] Models list for "Generic"
[FixtureBrowser] Modes list for "Generic" "Generic Dimmer"
[FixtureBrowser] Modes list for "Generic" "Generic Dimmer"
[FixtureBrowser] Modes list for "Generic" "Generic Dimmer"
[FixtureBrowser] Modes list for "Generic" "Generic Dimmer"
[FixtureBrowser] Modes list for "Generic" "Generic Dimmer"
qml: mf: Generic, mdl: Generic Dimmer, mode:
qml: addr: 1, ch: 1
Key release event received: "\t"
qml: mf: Generic, mdl: Generic Dimmer, mode:
qml: addr: 1, ch: 1
Key release event received: "\t"
working path: "file:///home/giacomo/.qlcplus/fixtures"
qrc:/FixtureEditor.qml:95: TypeError: Cannot read property 'manufacturer' of undefined
Segmentation fault

I tried some other fixtures and it seems to crash only with the generic dimmer selected.
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giacomo wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:41 am First crash of 2023!
Yestalgia, I won a present, isn't it? ;)
Haha absolutely! :D
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So you tried to edit the only fixture among 1400+ which cannot be edited! :D
But OK, this is a useful report too
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Staying on this topic. I love the new fixture editor built into the program itself. Smooth operation so far. I have a pretty repeatable crash when trying to pick a pre-made channel profile. Click the dropdown, select any of the Intensity, Color, etc.... Program crashes.

Could this be an issue of having v4 still on the system? (OSX)

Russell Jones
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I know but it's the one selected by default so better to fix it ;)
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Of course, I fixed both reports
Thanks @Russell too

By the way, including the fixture editor inside QLC+ is mainly for macOS, to avoid having the annoying launcher.
This obviously introduce new possibilities like testing a fixture while editing it, or even adding/modifying a fixture without leaving QLC+
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mcallegari wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 5:46 pm This obviously introduce new possibilities like testing a fixture while editing it, or even adding/modifying a fixture without leaving QLC+
The Open Fixture Library will love this!
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