Gel color window doesn't close

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I'm new to QLC+ and currently using version 4. Because I was interested in QLC+ 5, I downloaded the Beta and played a bit with it.

After opening the Gel color window of a fixture (Generic Dimmer) in the view settings, the color selector dialoge didn't disappear when I closed the view settings or clicked anywhere next to it. There also was no close button. In order to close it, I had to open the view settings (of any fixture) again and click on the colored Gel color field.
I suppose the red X in the corner of the color picker or a mechanism to close the color picker when closing the view settings.

(Ubuntu, QLC+ 5.0.0 Beta 2)
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Thanks for the feedback, I'll see if I can reproduce on my Ubuntu tonight.
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Arne, cannot you provide your own test file to reproduce the issue?
We've to help as much possible the developers, they will save time and more likely they will try it following the same your conditions.
Right now I'm lost:
were have you found the gel color filter of a generic dimmer in the view settings?
My v.5 is different...
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I've now attached the file, which is basically just a simple one-dimmer project.
I'm confused because the Gel color picker doesn't close when a new color gets selected or the whole view settings tab is closed. It was a bit confusing to me when I accidentally opened the Gel color picker and didn't know how to close it.

Gel color issue example.png
Gel color issue.qxw
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Thanks Arne,
I re-learned something because I even forgot that it was possible to assign a color in that left menu, I was looking on the other side where usually one assigns colors to the fixtures :D
The solution for now is to remember to close the color widget by clicking (confirm) on the gel color line, before you deselect the fixture, unfortunately for the time being you'll find other of these "tricks" to learn around.
Your issue is quite similar to what happens in Virtual Console with the color background, one has to confirm the color selection to close the color widget and in the beginning it can be confusing, I didn't reported it because the list was already long.
color background.png
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Similar to this I need to map the ESC key in many places.
But I'm starting to suspect I really need to add a close button on the top-right corner of those tool windows
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Probably it's a good and practical idea: one can open the color selector, move it around the 2D plan to make all the changes needed, then click to close it.
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