Stop a chaser instantly?

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I looked on the forum but could not find the answer : When i start a scene function after a chaser , the chaser finishes the last step with a fading , even in a solo frame

Is there any way to stop the chaser instantly ,without any fading, to avoid color mixing between the ending chaser and the new scene ?

Thx !
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Verify that the scene, used as the last one in your chaser has no inbuilt fade times.
Next set the fade times in your chaser 'Fade Out Speed: Per Step'.
Now you set the fade-out time for the last step to 0.

This should solve your problem.
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Thx GGGss

Every scene has no inbuilt fade time , and my chaser is a per step chaser (only 2 steps in loop)

So i set every step on 0 fade out time , and my problem is solved for chaser => scene change , good !!

But in the reverse order ( fixed scene => chaser ) , same problem , the fade in mixes 2 colors during the fade in time

I need to keep the fade in time in my chaser
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Cyril wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:33 pm
But in the reverse order ( fixed scene => chaser ) , same problem , the fade in mixes 2 colors during the fade in time
What do you expect? You want a color change and to use a fade in... it is inherent that colors do mix.
The only solution I see here is to 'dim through black' or fade through another less disturbing color.
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In my show , i can find this sequence:

Fixed Scene => Chaser (multiple scenes) => Fixed Scene

What i expect is only fade between the chaser scenes , not between fixed scenes and chaser

Maybe this kind of utilization is not possible
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As long the fixed scenes don't have any fade times included, this should work out of the box.
Maybe I can help if you send in your project...
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