Simple desk

The issues found when using the Simple Desk panel
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Joined: Sun Nov 20, 2022 5:40 pm
Real Name: Francois Doyon

Hi again, I am running QLC+ on windows 11 with the Enttek Pro Mrk2 DMX node

I have a very small set up consisting of 16 Mega Hex Par by ADJ. I don't need much sophistication at this moment I just want to bring up solid color cues and be able to move them in different order in the cue list once in awhile until having time to really learn programing in virtual console.

I have watched all of Massimo's very nice tutorials but not much is said about the Simple desk. First I understand you can store many different cues in one cue list on one fader, right? The first cue being a solid red wash with time fades work perfectly but I don't seem to be able to bring up the 5 next ones. If I hit the back arrow the first cue always come back up. I tried to delete the non working cues to start over but using the modify icon I only get the time fade icon. I gather from the tutorial I should be able to edit or delete cues in that window. When I try to see what is stored in each of those cues, once again I only get the fade time encoders. I wonder if there is a more complete tutorial on how to exploit Simple desk. Later I will surely move to virtual console but now I just want to play a limited amount of cues. The learning curve seems pretty steep to me right now. Sorry about that.

Thank for your precious help, nubie here :-)
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IMO it's much easier to work with virtual console... the cue playback part in simpledesk tab is not being actively developed or supported, as far as I know.

Anyway, once the window for fade times is open, there's a small red crossed icon appearing in the cuelist, click that to delete the cues.
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Real Name: Francois Doyon

Thx. Can I mimick the fader layout of Simple desk in Virtual console and store cues in cuelists the same way?

Do I have to write scenes first and then dump them in cuelists.

I am still confused about making fixture groups,then repeating those in channel groups and then finally repeating those in scenes to be once again transfered in a cuelist.

Working hard to get it done :)

I like this program a lot. It's working well with my lights. Looking forward to master it :)
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Real Name: Francois Doyon

Can someone spot what I am doing wrong? Lights come up in Simple desk, no output when selecting the scene in function or in a Virtual console button. I know many people asked the same question but no answer fixed my issue :-(
Screen Shot 11-22-22 at 07.25 PM.PNG
Screen Shot 11-22-22 at 07.20 PM.PNG
Screen Shot 11-22-22 at 07.19 PM.PNG
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Real Name: Francois Doyon

Looking at the monitor it doesn't seem to output any DMX
Screen Shot 11-22-22 at 07.41 PM.PNG
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In the scene editor, you also have to raise the "included" channel level faders to desired values, not only check the "active" tickbox. Then in the toolbar, there is a stroke-through "eye" icon to hide this scene's live output - while the VC is in operate mode, your scenes stay blind unless you DE!activate this button (so your editing doesn't disturb live output), in design mode the scene becomes visible as soon as you click its name in the list. This can be confusing if a scene is selected in the functions tab, you work in VC and switch to design mode - suddenly lights appear.

Also I wouldn't normally put master dimmer, color and strobe channel in the same scene -Usually I assign a fader to raise the master dimmers, another dedicated one for all strobe channels I'm interested in etc. etc. - these could be faders in channel mode, so you don't have to create dozens of scenes just for direct control.

Take your time and try out creating various virtual desks and learn what additional options there are for each widget, via the Properties dialog. E.g. there are level, playback and submaster modes for faders, and additional features like tracking/monitoring and taking priority of (or releasing again) a channel value, similar to the faders in simpledesk when being touched and going red.

EDIT: Another cool feature: have you seen the function wizard (magic wand icon in top toolbar on the Functions page)? it can autogenerate scenes, animations and even VC widgets for you, depending on the fixture capabilities.

I hope this helps a bit.
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