Frame not assignable

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Hi again,

VC Frame, I cannot assign neither the enable button neither the page selector to an external controller.
[It should be another bug report, also the "clone first page widgets" doesn't do anything]
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To be precise, my controller is midi.
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Thanks for reporting.
Fixed upstream
Cloning the first page is still not implemented
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the enable button is still not working always, in this workspace I cannot control the enable button in the frame "Cue List",
I've noticed it after adding a slider in sub master mode... maybe something went wrong?
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I don't want to add a new issue:
I've noticed also that in the same file, the Cue List "remembers" the old shortcuts that I deleted, specifically they were keyboard shortcuts that then I assigned to something else (another software).
A couple of time I've pressed these shortcuts while focused on qlc+ window and the Cue List jumped to a new scene, even if these shortcuts were deleted a couple of days before - and for sure I've restarted many times v.5 and the laptop ;)
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