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I have a box full of JCYWFLODY / XPCLEOYZ 36x1W RGB PAR 3/7 ch generic LED PAR fixtures.

The amazon listing is here:


The brand listed on Amazon is: JCYWFLODY, but the actual fixtures have XPCLEOYZ stenciled on the backs as well as on the remotes, but they are surely a very inexpensive, generic chinese-made fixture, probably sold by many different vendors.

I have uploaded the manual that came with the fixtures and attached it here.

I will try to use the Definition Editor to do it myself, but if one of you kind people could help out, I would love to compare yours with the one I make, to ensure I am doing it correctly.

Thanks! :-)
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I'll happily do it when I get home. Looks pretty easy.
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Thanks! :-)
...Yes, it isn't a very complicated fixture- I've just never done one before, so I'd like to see if I have a grasp of the idea by seeing what someone else, who has more experience does with it.

Thanks again! :-)
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Hey Toonz,

I had a look but my gut feel is that you'll have better luck with this in "3ch mode." You can use the Generic -> RGB fixture to control it then,

The reason is because I can't tell if the first channel on the "7ch Mode" is a dimmer or not.

Let me know if this helps.

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Hi Lachie-
CH1 is definitely a master dimmer. I know the wording in the manual is a bit ambiguous, and it mentions: "RBGW" and "tuned light"- but these are very simple RGB fixtures with no white LED's, and the rest of the manual has no mention of white LED's. I'm sure it's just a language barrier thing, or human error by the author.

...The one thing I've noticed with a lot of these cheap LED PARs is that the master dimmer only has an effect on the overall brightness if you're only using the RGB faders, and occasionally it works with the strobe, but has no effect at all on the overall brightness when using any of the "built in" effects residing on the last 2 faders. Those effects are always full brightness on most, if not all of the cheaper PARs. With that in mind, I will most likely have to use them in a 3CH way, even if I have them set to 7CH mode, because there are times when full brightness is not what I'm after- particularly because most of the time, those fixtures will be among many others that aren't quite the same with regards to channel layout...

I'm going to give it a try tonight(it's early morning here currently) and see if I can make it work according to the manual. The one thing I am unclear on, is whether I need to set up anything on the "alias" tab- because CH6 has six different functions on the one fader. I still don't have a grip on exactly what "Alias" does, and whether I need to use it or not...

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Thanks for getting back to me.

Here's Massimo talking about aliases: https://www.qlcplus.org/forum/viewtopi ... 17&t=12495

I don't think they apply here.

See what you come up with and post it here when you're done. I'll have a look over it for you.

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No aliases needed indeed.

The thing is that the "manual" is written as cheaply as the fixture seems to be produced ;-), using very strange "chinese english" descriptions. It's full of little typos, misleading number references like ch 7 controlling speed of functions set by ch 7 (should say 6) and other errors or inconsistencies, so it's hard to write a definition without trying out with the real device at hands.

I would guess that the first channel in 7ch mode is a sort of master dimmer, and the only way to control the white LED colour the fixture seems to have. I really don't have a clue what "tuned light" possibly could mean.

I'd also encourage you to try yourself, it's not so complicated: give it a name, fill out the physical properties, define all the channels it has, using the wizard for the stepped capabilities of ch 6, and compose the modes using these channels jist defined. Save, copy to user fixture folder, try out and correct/copy to user folder again until happy. Shouldn't take you more than maybe an hour even as beginner...
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Oh yes; the manual is terrible! I've been playing with it all day, writing down everything that CH6 and CH7 do in conjunction with each other, numbers and all. The manual was pretty much worthless. The first 5 channels were very simple, but 6 and 7 do a lot of stuff together- most of which is basically worthless, but at least I am documenting it.
I've been called away to some electronics repair, so I will have to set the fixture aside for a few hours. Once I'm done, I'll post my findings here, and see if I can generate a fixture definition that spells out what it does without getting overly complicated...

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IMHO I never ever use the inbuilt 'show' functions of a fixture. It simply doesn't add up using these together with a way more powerful lighting desk.
So these fixtures of mine show 'nothing' for those channels.
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I totally agree with that theory. This is more of an exercise for me, to learn the basics of the definition editor so I know what to do when the time comes that I need it for something a bit more complex and necessary. Since this light had a very poorly written manual, and seemingly so many different options on the CH7 fader, added to the fact that I have a box full of them, it seemed like a good place to start.

I've gone through all of the faders, step by step, and recorded the changes as they came along. I'm about to have a typical Friday here, which means business before pleasure- or education, depending on how you look at it- so after the smoke clears from my day, I will sit down and chart all of this out and post it here, just because. I'm sure most of the things on the efx channels will never be used, but it's good to know what they are and where they are, if only for the sake of sharing that information with others who may stumble across some of these fixtures. I've created a fixture profile, but due to all of the changes on the efx channels, and their interaction with each other (CH6 and CH7)- it's a bit wordy. I'll post that too, and if anyone sees a way to shorten it to something more appropriate to post in the fixtures section, I'd love to see a condensed version of it.

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I understand your point and admire your willingness to learn.
Your friend will be the rather new feature in the fixture definition called 'aliases'. The manual should explain what has to be done.
It's an IFTT scenario: if this channel has this value, the other value should, and so forth.
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