v.5 import VC?

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hi, actually v.5 can import fixtures and functions,
what about the possibility to import the VC layout to allow the reuse of custom "templates"? eg. related to a different midi controller?
I've already some empty templates and usually I start inserting the fixtures in one of them but often during the rehearsals or the tour I need to change/expand the midi controllers so I've to redraw the layout again.
With this feature we could save a good amount of time.

A possible answer: yes we could also do the contrary, import the programmed show onto an empty template and I've tried it but it seems that the import doesn't manage a medium show for the time being.
Maybe to import a VC is easier.

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I've already been able to achieve this by copying the XML from one project to another.

Obviously not a supported method but I think it proves that this is technically possible. (at least in v4)

Hope we can get an answer to this as it'd be super helpful.

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