F&F crash when inserting heads

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Good morning,

. launch v.5 and from F&F tab open the attached file;
. in Fixtures Groups select the first 4 dimmers and delete them all together;
. go in Add Fixtures and select 5 dimmers, drag them in the same place of the former group >> crash.

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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Thanks for reporting. Just fixed this.
The fixture add form now updates the first available address also when changing quantity.
And in any case forcing an overlapping address won't crash the program
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Hi Massimo,
first thanks for the new appimage,
the patch is better but there are still some oddities, I didn't investigate much but here 3 bugs that I guess related:

1 Intensity Crash:
. load the file attached;
. in 2D select the dimmer 1, the lamp icon appears;
. go in Fixture Groups and delete the dimmer 1 >> the lamp icon is still present
. click on the lamp icon and change the intensity >> crash

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2 Intensity Icon misbehavior:
. repeat the same steps but instead of clicking on the lamp icon reload the same file (as if to revert the change);
. qlc+ will ask to save, answer no >> the lamp icon is still present but it disappear when you select something in the 2D view or Fixture Groups
and it appears back when nothing is selected
NB. it disappear only when you select 1 fixture, not for multiple selections.

3 Crash opening New project:
. repeat the same steps but instead of clicking on the lamp icon load a new project;
. qlc+ will ask to save, answer no >> crash
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Hi, I should have fixed the cases you mentioned.
Thanks for reporting
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