Fun-Generation LED Pot 12x1W RGBW is incorrect

The issues found when using the Fixture Manager panel
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I was working with some lights recently and i discovered that the LED PAR mentioned in the title has an incorrect profile. in 8 channel mode channel 7 has 2 different functions depending on what the state is of channel 6 but these 2 functions have been seperated into seperate channels (7 and 8) which should not be the case. This isnt that problematic but it does cause QLC+ to reserve an unused channel for each par and makes using the strobe slightly unintuitive.

I dont know if this isssue is being worked on but i would love to see it fixed
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Welcome to the forum.
In a joint effort you can ask for adoptions of the fixture definition.
In general, I (we?) don't use the built in functions of the fixtures. Maybe that is the reason why it hasn't been noticed before.
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this definition needs an alias definition for 8 channel mode.

I'm not experienced in writing these, and have certain problems wrapping my head around the logic ;-)

But I've tried and here's a modified fixture definition. Lacking the physical fixture, I cannot test it, but in Simple desk it seems to do what the manual says - channel 7 is set to "Program settings" unless channel 6 is in the range of capability "Activate colour macro for channel 7" (1 - 16), in which case channel 7 is being replaced by "Colour Macro" (which I removed from the 8 channel mode definition so that it indeed has 8 channels now).

I didn't deal with handling "Blackout" (channel 6 at value 0), but I don't think that's needed anyways.

If you report back that this works correctly, Massimo surely will update the definition so it gets delivered in future releases.
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Looks good to me, thanks
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