[GUIDE] QLC+ 4.12.6 & MagicQ Visualizer via ArtNet on same Wi-Fi network

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Hello everyone, this is my first post.

Unfortunately in my pc the new 3D visualizer of QLC+5 crashes, so I needed a solution for working on my shows at home with a good and (most importantly) free visualizer.
Since I searched over the forum and did not find a complete guide for the connection, I'll write my guide on how to connect QLC+ to MagicQ via ArtNet and use the built-in visualizer.

Situation: MB Pro connected on wifi router, IP address 192.168.xxx.xxx

*STEP 1*

Prepare your show on QLC+ with all the fixtures you need. I made a new fixture for this show which is an LED Par which has 7 DMX channels (Dim, RGBW, Special, Strobe). I have 9 fixtures and 1 smoke machine.
I will have 7ch x 9 fixtures, plus 1ch for the smoke machine.


*STEP 2*

Prepare the same exact show on MagicQ.
I made a new fixture with the same channels and channel names on MagicQ and i patched all the fixtures to the same channels.
Put all the "Merge" fields of the fixtures to "In" (IMPORTANT, otherwise the fixtures will respond only the the MagicQ faders]


After you've prepared the show, move all your fixtures to your specific needs by going to Patch -> View Vis -> Vis Heads and changing the XYZ (and XYZ rot) parameters.

*STEP 3*

Set QLC+ Art-Net output, go to I/O, select ArtNet on address 192.168.xxx.xxx and check the "Output" box.


Open the settings for the ArtNet output and make sure that the universe is set to 0.


*STEP 4*

Go to MagicQ -> Setup -> View DMX I/O and then check universe 1.
Just to be safe, so you'll not get an "En Cflt" error, put the "Out Type" to "None".
Make sure that "In Type" is set to ArtNet and that the "In Uni" is set to Art 0.


*STEP 5*

Go to MagicQ -> Setup -> View Settings -> Network, click (just once, do not double-click) on IP address, write "192" and press enter, that way the IP will be set to and the subnet mask to


*STEP 6*

All is done! Go to "VIS" on MagicQ.
By changing your parameters on QLC+ you should be able to see your light show on the MagicQ built-in visualizer.


Unfortunately I was not able to set the standalone MagicVis app with this method as you can only select an address from the given list in the preferences, but well, the MagicQ method works and that's all I need!

I want to thank all the QLC+ staff for this amazing software and for all your work!

Full imgur gallery with all the screenshot is here: https://imgur.com/a/Ls7o3PA

Cheers! :D
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

So basically you're willing to contribute in spreading the MagicQ usage in the QLC+ forums rather than helping to fix the QLC+ 5 visualizer by reporting what is not working, how to reproduce the crash, a sample project to verify the issue, etc. Nice.
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Real Name: Roberto

Caro Massimo,

I write in english so everyone can understand.
I'm not contributing in spreading the MagicQ usage, since I'm not using MagicQ as a controller but instead I'm using QLC+ to control the fixtures you can see that I'm clearly supporting the use of QLC, as it's the main DMX controller in this situation.

I'm just sharing my solution on how to use another visualizer with QLC+ 4 until the QLC+ 5 visualizer will be enough stable to use it.

What is not working on QLC+5 in my pc? MBP 2020 13" macOS 10.15, as soon as I open the 3D view on every project the program crashes, that's all.

That was not a very gentle reply from your side, I only wanted to help the people in my situation because there is not an online guide on how to do this, I certainly didn't wanted to start an unhappy argument.
You could just say "thanks for the guide, but remember to help us on the development on QLC+5"; it's not about the things you say, it's the way you say it.

You could've just refused to approve my post and contact me by PM, rather than approve it, make it public and use this passive-aggressive behavior with me.

Anyway, thanks again for QLC+, it's a beautiful software.
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Could you please elaborate on the instructions a bit more, or show more full images? I think I am missing a few steps, as this does not seem to work for me.

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