F&F zoom broken?

Report an issue that you found while using QLC+ 5.x.
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Hi Massimo,
. open the file and edit the cue "zoom-20", expand the lower channel panel to watch the dmx value;
. in the cue select the Hero and adjust the zoom angle in the 2d workspace >> the corresponding dmx value is wrong
. try the same with the Mac >> the dmx value doesn't change at all

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while you're here could you also check the rgb color widget?
eg. for the Hero: when you select the white and you check the rgb levels, all the 3 channels are at 252,
can you correct it to a full white?
have a good week
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Wow! You found not one...two buggy definitions!
Beam degrees were wrong or missing.

I also fixed the color tool. Nice catch.
I really appreciate your dedication to finding v5 bugs.
You're helping a lot to improve it. Thank you.
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Because we've to start to use it for real, I'm trying to narrow the reports on the basic operations, thank you too for fixing it.

One function that v.5 is still missing is the output dump in F&F:
Do you think it can be implemented? (and possibly for the next month?)
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