I am using a Macbook (Sur) with latest update of QLC+ and need to be able to trigger scenes by sending MIDI CC commands.
I have been doing this, so far, using DASLIGHT where each scene can be assigned a midi note/cc command value, these are then triggered when I run my show on a second Mac using Millumin via a USB Midi interface. This way all light changes coincide with specific moments in the show as pre programmed.
I want to be able to do the same with QLC, however, at this stage I can't seem to get a button in virtual console to even recognise MIDI.
I have Midi enabled on Universe 2
I then open button widget
I then select CHOOSE - and choose Midi
But when I press OK, it goes back to just INPUT INVERSE: NONE and INPUT CHANNEL:NONE
I know I must be doing something stupid, but can't see where I am going wrong as it seems to be recognising a MIDI interface.
Once that problem is solved, is there a way of creating CC commands, along the lines of "CC 16(channel) /120 (value)" etc
Or can you only input Midi values by pressing a key/knob on a controller (which Millumin doesn't have - it just sends MIDI CC commands that are programmed in)
Thanks in advance for any help
All the best