slider/knob monitor ch levels RESET misbehavior

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I tested 2 different midi controllers, nanokontrol2 and x-touch-mini, several issues related to the reset control:

. the midi reset control flashes the knob/slider to full and then set it to 0 but the widget doesn't start to follow the monitored channel,
I've to press also the widget red button to have a complete reset and the widget updates its position;
. if I press only the red button the slider/knob doesn't go to 0;

. nanokontrol2: I can reset via midi only the slider, the knob doesn't receive the reset command - the external control is assigned and visible in edit mode, again the red button doesn't set the knob to 0.

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the input profile I use for x-touch-mini
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The curious thing about this project is that if I load it with QLC+ 4.12.6 it ignores the initial levels, while v5 considers them.
I've fixed the initial state of the reset button, but the value don't go to 0 because the reset button is not a "reset to 0" button. It's a "reset to monitoring" button. So if previous level was 100, it goes back to 100, not to 0.

btw reset don't always work via MIDI because for some reason the input controls are wrong. They're both controlling the slider level and not the reset.
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This time I disagree with you:
the function "1@100" is active and you bring the monitor knob at the level 150,
when you reset the knob the dim 1 stays at 150,
what kind of reset is?
What is the meaning of a monitor that is resetting to its own last value?
(this happens only when the monitor level is higher than the counterpart)
So yes, if nothing else is controlling the channel the monitor should go to 0 after a reset,
this is the behavior of qlc+4 and the purpose of this test.
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"btw reset don't always work via MIDI because for some reason the input controls are wrong. They're both controlling the slider level and not the reset."

Do you mean that something is different in in v.5?
The same controllers have been working always good in v.4.
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I mean this:
For some reason you have 2 inputs on the same control (Slider Control)
The right setup would be 1 input for Slider Control and 1 input for Reset Control.
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I guess this is another problem that I haven't reported, when I saved the project before uploading it, the input was correct.
I've seen other times that the input is wrong after reopening a projet where I changed the input.
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Level monitoring and reset should be fixed now upstream
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hi Massimo,
reset seems to work but level monitoring not:
the monitor slider do not control the channel level, like in v.4,
the monitor slider has influence on it only when higher, like any other normal slider.

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You're right. Thanks for reporting.
It seems I haven't ported/synced all the changes from v4.
Now it should work as expected
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