3D View: No devices displayed

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maybe I am doing something completely wrong, but I followed each step shown in Massimo's video:
I used the same devices as Massimo, 2D View (Top, left side, front, right side) display ok.
However, in 3D only an empty stage appears. What could I be missing?
Thanks in advance,

OS: macOS Monterey 12.3.1
Mac Mini M1
QLC+ 5.0.0 Beta1

I attach screenshots from the side view and stage
Bildschirmfoto 2022-04-19 um 14.14.50.png
Bildschirmfoto 2022-04-19 um 14.14.30.png
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Same issue here. Except, 3D view stopped displaying fixtures after it was working fine for awhile. I was using the QLC+ 5 Visualizer to display my workspace in 4.12.5, through artnet. Was working without issue for a couple weeks, but then stopped functioning, and I have since not been able to get the 3D view to display anything in either a qlc 5 workspace or a qlc 4 workspace.

Have tried on a Windows 10 Enterprise desktop and a Windows 11 laptop.
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Adding certain buggy fixtures in seems to break the whole program and most fixtures stop displaying afterwards.
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Can anyone provide a project file that I can use to reproduce the issue?
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mcallegari wrote: Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:30 am Can anyone provide a project file that I can use to reproduce the issue?
Here's an example file. After adding in the CS-1000RGB laser, the spot's light disappears. Can still pan/tilt the fixture, but no light is being displayed even though the dimmer + shutter is up.

On another note, the CS-1000RGB laser is invisible in the 3D viewer and when you try to select the fixture via the Fixture Groups tab or doing select all, the whole program crashes.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lKJJDS ... sp=sharing
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Lasers are not supported/displayed in the 3D view
These are the rendered ones:
https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/t ... s/fixtures

I could spend some time on fixing the crash and modeling a simple laser, but laser simulation is not planned in any case.
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mcallegari wrote: Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:49 pm Lasers are not supported/displayed in the 3D view
These are the rendered ones:
https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/t ... s/fixtures

I could spend some time on fixing the crash and modeling a simple laser, but laser simulation is not planned in any case.
Out of curiosity, how come there's no plans for laser simulation? Is it too difficult?
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Yes, it is.
Plus there's no longer a developer working on the 3D preview, so it goes beyond my skills.
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TWCH wrote: Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:29 am Adding certain buggy fixtures in seems to break the whole program and most fixtures stop displaying afterwards.
I recently revisited this in an attempt to use the 3d View again, and this was indeed the problem.

I went back through my fixture files and removed a few of the ones I created when this started happening.. 3D View is working again.
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