What Low cost USB interfaces for addressable pixels are there?

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Joined: Tue May 17, 2022 9:04 pm
Real Name: Neil Carmichael

I have a string of addressable leds I'd like to program with qlc

Logically speaking you would think there would be a cheap USB interface to do this as there is with dmx but so far I haven't found one, just microcontrollers for them powered by USB

Has anyone found anything?
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Since this is a hardware related question, I'll redirect you to https://www.facebook.com/groups/584412254990472
That FB group is devoted to pixel mapping hardware.
Most DIY led-pixel projects are based on the ESP32 platform and use Artnet to communicate.
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I do not know what your definition of low cost is but I use this https://pixelcontroller.com/store/produ ... f16v4.html and it is worth every penny.
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