Create Bus in Virtual Console

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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:06 pm
Real Name: Benni Wiencke

Hi forum!

I have a question. My background is sound engineer. So I might have the wrong terminology here but I'll try and make myself understood.

I have created a little setup here. I have 4 spots (PAR 56 spots) and a few LED RGB spots as well. My problem right now is that I have set up a few buttons in the Virtual Console to control the Functions I've created. I have RGB Matrixes for the RGBs and then I created a few Scenes for the PAR 56 spots. What I want to add now is a fader that controls the max level of these spots. I want to be able to run my scenes as they are but I might want to be able to limit the max light coming from these spots.

I hope I have made myself understandable. :D
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Posts: 641
Joined: Thu May 07, 2015 10:34 am
Real Name: Edgar Aichinger

Hello, in the lighting world this concept is familiar and usually called submaster, while the grand master controls all console output.

In QLC this is done with a slider/fader set to submaster mode. It controls elements at and below the hierarchical layer it lives in, so you can group your buttons in one ore more frames, have each group have an individual output level, and an extra fader to control all of them together...

See, bottom of page.
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