Controlling audio and using a remote...

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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2022 7:28 pm
Real Name: Joey Brummett

So, I'm looking for something simple and I know it must be possible, but I seem to be overlooking it.

I do a stage show where I bring in lights every time. Currently I use show cues systems for my DMX lights and audio. I've got four par lights on each bar of two bars that are facing the stage.

The lights are at a simple stage wash as people come in. I then hit a button on my Bluetooth remote, and then my audio intro plays. During the first 20 seconds of the intro the lights go into a Chase sequence, and then stop halfway through the intro as music plays me to walk on. For the rest of the show there are no lighting cues, just a few audio cues from music throughout the show. Each audio cue I just hit the button on the remote to go to the next one.

It's silly to pay show cue systems $250 a year for something so simple, I just don't know if qlc plus can do this. It's just one static light sequence, a button push then audio and a chase, then static stage wash, and audio cues.

Am I missing something?

Can you use a remote instead of time to go to the next sequence? Also where would be the best place to create this as a show, or scenes?

All the tutorials seem to be really aimed at a lot of complicated scenes and I can't find anything that covers just the basics like this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Welcome to the forum,

If you are a little DIY guy, I would choose a Raspberry Pi and a little donation to Massimo to get the Raspi image.
Next, for the remote part, I'd reuse an old remote door opener or so. Connect the dry output contact of the receiver to the GPIO pins and there you have your remote input.
A cheap DMX interface will do.
So far for the hardware.

Now you are ready to 'program' some scenes, a chaser and some collections. Putting some buttons on the Virtual Console will allow you to connect the GPIO inputs. Now when you press the button on the remote, the chaser will start whatever you want. By the use of collections, you can combine the simultaneous start of audio and light-scene(s).

It will need you to put some bits and pieces together. To my knowledge what you ask is perfectly doable. I would quote 8-10h of labour in total. This includes the time needed to order pieces, build things, program and test. (I'm not looking for a job, it's simply to state to you the estimated workload you are getting into.)
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