copy channel value from one fixture to another

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Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2021 4:17 am
Real Name: Alastair Breingan

Hi all and thanks for a great piece of software. we are using it in a small hall for concerts and it works great. Now I am trying to do a few of the "nice to have" bits.

We have 10 hex pars, and having set the colour on one it would be great to copy the channels involved to another.
A scene does not seem to be able to set the channel value to other than a fixed value, so I wondered if there was another way to achieve that?
I can see that each slider could also control an unused channel, but then cannot see any way to copy that fixed channel to another ideally by a virtual console button.
Thanks again
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Real Name: Santiago Benejam Torres

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Real Name: Alastair Breingan

Thanks sbenejam, but I clearly didnt explain myself clearly. I have looked at the doco, and could not find what I was looking for. The copy described in the scene description copies from a fixture to another while defining the scene, and once the scene is built the channel values are fixed.
What I was hoping to do is allow the channel value(s) of a fixture to be copied to another while the VC is running.

For example if one fixture A was the master (and had sliders to control its channels) then a simple button in the VC could copy the channel values "at that time" to another fixture B. Then the values of A could be changed and copied to several other fixtures C, D and E.
This, once set up, would allow inexperienced operators to set up lots of hex pars very flexibly with only I set of sliders and a bunch of buttons
Thanks again
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There is a DMX Dump in the virtual console. But it only works to dump DMX values to scene and assign it to chaser, button or slider. ... ditor.html
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Real Name: Scarf Face

Hey, I think there is not a quick setup to achieve that.
Do you need the master fixture? If not you can maybe use a workaround like this: viewtopic.php?t=15167

And if you want the master, then you can change it to your desires.
I don't know, if this is very stable etc, I like to create such solutions, but don't use them in production.
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Real Name: Alastair Breingan

Thanks again Scarf Face, I am the one who was asking those silly questions in the link 15167 (my first attempt so I missed all sorts, but we have the lights working now - and it looks stable enough).

That system works very well and only has one problem that I was trying to solve which is when you press a button to control a new fixture the "master" sliders do not move to the new fixture's values which is a bit confusing. That is what I was trying to solve in this thread, but I have come to the conclusion it is probably not possible.
I tried using the idea in but of course that means that the channel value goes to zero when the button is released.
Thanks again everyone
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Real Name: Scarf Face

Oh, that was you, ok,

I didnt notice that problem...

now i changed it for your desires, (you can add your master fixture in one extra frame, (which is always active), or you can map the slides on the left side (also) to your master device).

Here is a try, a little error ( the values go to zero a short time...)

Have fun, and happy new year
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