QLC overwrite Values to 0

The issues found when using the Show Manager panel
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Hi there,

i have big Problems creating a show, because QLC overwrite values. Sometimes i click a sequence and ALL Values go to Zero, but this is only a "display error", because when i click another sequence and click back, all values are back...

The biggest Problem is that QLC overwrite single values very often! Using QLC+ 4.11.2 on Windows 7!

In attachment of this post you'll find a sample which works most to show:

1. Load Attachment and go to "Shows"
2. There you'will find 1 show with 3 sequences
3. Click on the 3. Sequence named "white" and edit step 2
4. Chance colors Green and Blue to 255 to have "white color" (Red is allready on 255)
5. Click on Sequence "red 2" do nothing, just click on it
6. Click back on Sequence "white" again and you'll see in step 2 the values for Green and Blue are back to 0!


I know i can give "white" a own track to prevent this. But QLC overwrides Values constantly while working, also if i use a new track for each sequence. I have a Moving Head and make a squence with 2 Steps. 1st go to Position Intensity 255. Shutter 255 (which means "close"). 2nd open Shutter (Values 0). When i play shutter is in all steps gone to zero (open) and the light is on while moving head goes to position...

Sometimes its very weird: You can try edit how often you want. Then you play changed varues are back to 0. The only way to "fix" this is delete the whole sequence and create it again. It seems that the sequence ist "broken", it never saves any value on any step any more...

Somestimes its sick: You create a big squence, then click another sequence and click back - ALL Values in ALL Steps are gone to 0!

Sometimes Values are overwritten in saves only. You make a show until all works fine, save it, next day you load and some values are back to 0...

It drives me crazy to work with QLC. Sometimes i cry to my computer, sometimes i'm 1 step to give it up!

Dont understand me wrong - QLC+ ist the best software for light crontrol i've ever seen! Its a beautiful work and easy to control! I thank you very much for your work. all people that work on the code have my big respect!!! I will donate to support this great Software! - But this 1 Error is annoying! Its existing since i use QLC+ (4.10.0)!

Please help me and try to fix it, please ;-)

If it help i can make screenshots or make a youtube video if that can help locate the problem...

Hope for a fix on this. Otherwise: QLC+ is better than any light-control software i ever tried!
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Hi there,

to help i made some Videos. I must revoke my last Post. It dont overwrites to 0, it copy values from one Sequence in another when only changing sequences in show mode, without editing any value!


OK first i made a Video that shows the problem, that i descriped in the former post. You'll find that Video on youtube:

It shows the Problem vom the entry post i made! I used the same qxw Save-File that i uploaded here! QLC+ dont save Values correct!


The Second Video doesnt Show a Bug. It Shows a Workaround that i found out! Its not nice, but necessary to prevent the Value-Saving Bug!

You'll find the Video here:


OK the third Video shows now whats the real Problem is. QLC+ overwrites values from one Sequence to another when you just switching Sequences in the Show Mode, without changing values!

Here are the Video:

This shows that just Switching bewtween sequences in Show Mode it overwrites values!


I found out a Work Around too: Dont switch the squences directly! When you switch to another Sequence leave the Sequence-Editor first by clicking anywhere on a blank position in the track to unselect the Sequence and then click the Sequence you want to edit! Otherwise QLC+ will copy Values from one Sequence and puts it to the Sequence you click next!

All Videos i made shows QLC+ 4.11.2 on Windows 7!

I hope this can help to locate the Bug and fix it! This makes id hard to create shows (even when i found workarounds) in Show Mode! The Bug exist in all older Versions (before 4.11.2) too!

Thank you very much!!!
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Real Name: Mark Lohrey

Same errors observed on Mac OSX as well.

Thanks for posting the work-around in video 2. You can also edit the sequences in the functions window to avoid the problem but much slower than your way.

The bug identified in the 3rd video is really an issue. As you move from sequence to sequence you get really unexpected results!


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mlohrey wrote:Thanks for posting the work-around in video 2. You can also edit the sequences in the functions window to avoid the problem but much slower than your way.
Yes this is possible, but even then sometimes values changed itself, but i cant reproduce that :( .

A third option is to click anywhere on a track so "deselect" the sequence you've edited. Then values are saved too! It has the Same Effect like Clicking under the last step, as i shown in Video 2!

First time i coded shows with QLC+ i had to use the functions windows and this takes many, many time - especially the fine tuning! You click 100 Times just to change 1 value for testing...
mlohrey wrote:The bug identified in the 3rd video is really an issue. As you move from sequence to sequence you get really unexpected results!
I coded 4 Days for 14 shows and it makes me crazy. All works fine, then you click Sequences for a little fine-tuning and the whole Show is broken, because values changing itself...

We had 4 Days for 14 Shows, so that we work from morning until night (5 Hours to sleep) and QLC+ drives me really crazy this 4 Days! But at this time i didnt know how to reproduce this error!

This bug sucks infinitely when you use Moving Heads. You need 10 Minutes to find a position for a spot. You change tilt/pan all the time, until you found the best position. And after this 10 Minutes work you cause the bug and all values has overwritten and you start to find the positions again. :x :x :x

Back at home i searched another Light-Control Software. I take long time, but there isnt anything like QLC+. Believe me - QLC+ is the best of the best.

So i take 2 Hours time to make the bugs reproduceable!

Thanks mlohrey for your post and confirming the 2 Bugs on Mac OS! I hope the Bugs can be located in the code und gets fixed. I have a dream ;-)

Last edited by CoS2000 on Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Hi there,

ok i must revoke! The Bug in Video 1 and Video 3 are the same Bug. In Video 1 the values for white doesnt go to 0, it just overwrites it after i clicked back on red!

I made a new Video to prove that:

I found out WHEN the values are overwritten! The Video shows that. So when you look the first Video from me, you'll see the problem was, that white was overwritten with the values of red, as i clicked red!

Please look at this video, it explains when the Value-Overwrite Bug occures!

I attach the qxw File that i used in the new Video on this post! I hope this can help to find the bug!

Thank you
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Real Name: Mark Lohrey

Confirmed as the same behaviour in MacOSX

I did some experimenting with extra tracks in the show editor and if you move from one track to another the behaviour isn't observed.

So if you are careful to click a sequence in another track before selecting another sequence in the same track, then you can avoid the values being overwritten. It is a work around but not an easy one to do in practise.


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I did some experimenting with extra tracks in the show editor and if you move from one track to another the behaviour isn't observed.
Same under Windows. Bug only occures between Sequences on the same Track!
So if you are careful to click a sequence in another track before selecting another sequence in the same track, then you can avoid the values being overwritten.
You also can click anywhere on the track where no sequence is, to close the scene-editting window, before you select another scene to edit!

I hope this bug will be fixed!

best regards
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I think I've solved this too on GIT. Thanks for sharing a sample project and steps to reproduce.
A windows test version will be available shortly here.
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@mcallegari - Thanks - Loaded version for Windows and it works fine

But in this version i find a little Bug more (QLC crashs when you try to load a Workspace)

I've made a new thread with workspace and steps to reproduce under: http://www.qlcplus.org/forum/viewtopic. ... 846#p52846

Thanks for your gread work mcallegari!!!

Greetz to all ;-)
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Real Name: Cesar de Castro

Hi, friends!

I still have this problem, version 4.12.3, Windows 10

I created a sequence (track ''fire machines'', at 5´29´´) with values at 255, when click again, values at zero. When checking the simple desk, the values, which should return to zero in 300ms, remains locked at 255

Sample Project attached.

Show Tema 01 v2.qxw
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I cant confirm!

@cdcdj - When you deselect a item on a track und reselect it, you have to click on any step of the sequence. If you only select a item, then all values are 0, when you dont select a step!

best regards
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Real Name: Cesar de Castro

You're right about the step, but i still have the problem, faders should go back to zero after the scene, check the attached video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8gloBo ... e=youtu.be
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I tested your last show and I did not encounter any problem, the fire machines track returns to zero after 300ms. I'm on windows 10 QLC 4.12.2
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the problem still exists, but i created other step sending all values to zero and works. Thanks!
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Real Name: Ken Coughlin

I'm not sure that this is related, but in 4.12.4 on Windows, when you try to edit a sequence in a show, all the fader values in the first step you click, are set to zero.

It seems that this only happens in the show manager. If the same sequence is edited in the functions window, the values are correct, and not set to zero.

I frequently use shows for scene changes, where the first track I add is the music track. The second track typically has 1 to 3 steps. Either the lights remain the same as the previous scene, or they start there, fade to black, then fade into the next scene.

In the case of a single step sequence, the fader values for that step are set to zero. In the case of the 3 step sequence, whichever step is clicked first, those fader values are set to zero, the other remain unchanged.

This may be related to the Sequence Editor on the Functions Tab. In the Functions Tab, when clicking on a Sequence, it comes up with the lights assigned to that sequence, and all the faders are set to zero, but when you click on any step, the values show up properly.

My present workaround is to start naming my sequences, and using the Sequence Editor on the Functions Tab. The problem comes when I have a multi step sequence that needs to be edited to match certain wave patterns in a music track. It's still doable, but not quite as easy as doing it on the Show Tab.
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Further investigation.
Windows 10 x64

Using the Sequence Editor on the Functions tab can also set the fader values to zero, but it depends on the sequence of your clicks.

Click the Sequence you want to edit
Click the step you want to edit
Switch between tab view and all channels view
Click the All fixtures tab
This only affects the first step you click on. All other steps are set properly.

Click the Sequence you want to edit
Switch between tab view and all channels view
Click the All fixtures tab
Click the step you want to edit
All values are set properly

Click the Sequence you want to edit
Switch between tab view and all channels view
Click the step you want to edit
Click the All fixtures tab
All values are set properly

If you use the 2nd or 3rd method, when you go into your Show, all values are set properly.

I hope this helps.
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