Cannot get behind the current usge of sequences

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total QLC+ newbie here.

Currently I'm trying to get behind the basic concepts of QLC. I've come as far as Edit/Show mode, creating Fixtures, Channel Groups, Scenes and was fiddling around with Shows. During this I found the tight coupling of Shows and Sequence/Chasers and decided to take a step back and learn about these two.

Chasers are straight forward imho. But in V4.12.4 I really don't get the concept of sequences. As far as I understood a sequence is sort of "attached" to a specific scene. "Attached" in this case means the sequence can only use/modify the same channels used in the scene it is attached to. Each step in the sequence can itself then set specific values to the channels - right so far?

My problem is, I've watched a few videos about sequences (all very outdated sadly) which all showed me, that a new sequence atomagically get's attaches to the current scene selected in the functions editor. But that's not what's happening on my machine :( . A new sequence always becomes sort of a standalone function (which would be a reasonable change imho) but my selected channel values simply don't get stored in the selected step.

Am I missing something here?


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Most of my sequences are created when I add a lighting track to a show. The sequence is tied to a scene, but once the scene is attached to a sequence, I believe the scene is no longer available to anything else.

The individual steps in a sequence are set up similar to the steps of a chaser, with the exception of dimmer values. I've never edited the sequence itself, I've always edited my sequences on the Show Tab.
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A sequence is a 'following' mode in the programmer as known with other brands of light desks.
A long as you don't touch a value, the value stays in place.

The combination of using show-parts and sequences might give you some trouble because the show-part is time-based. Since sequences also have internal timing, they might interact. This is to say that a sequence is of say 5s long, and truncated inside the show part, the timing will be off.

I personally don't like the show part inside QLC+. I haven't had the best results with it; surely when you think this part is a replacement for a time-coded show. I will disappoint you on that part. The timing isn't ms precise.
How to deal with this? Create chasers for every part of your show. Then combine them as a sub-chaser inside the main chaser. Now timing will be on the dot (but a lot of extra work).

PS: the screenshot you showed us, does not have any timing defined... hence, you won't see anything. Click the clock button, or change the values.
SH_ 2021-11-11 11.0801.jpg
SH_ 2021-11-11 11.0801.jpg (5.22 KiB) Viewed 559 times
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