I am able to use a homemade FTDI DMX adapter to control DMX lights.
However, I can't get GPIO outputs to work.
I have the qlcplus_raspios_buster_20210627 image loaded on my Raspberry Pi 4.
I'm able to control the GPIO outputs via the /sys/class/gpio tree from the command line.
I've defined a fixture with 32 dimmer channels (numbered 1-32), and assigned it to universe 2, which is using the GPIO driver for inputs and outputs.
However, I"m unable to control the GPIO outputs (trying to use GPIO 18, I'm changing the values of the DMX channel 19 and I don't see any change across the range of output values from 0 to 255).
It doesn't make any difference if I do
Code: Select all
echo 18 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/direction
I've tried using "-d 3 -g" in my QLC+ command but saw no messages in the QLC+.log file. However, I don't know how this output stream is buffered (I killed QLC+ by closing its X window) so I don't know whether it was trying to say something.
What can I do to get this working?
Thanks in advance.
QLC+ really would be great for my application if I could get it to work.