4.12.4 WAV files on Windows won't play

The issues found when using the Function Manager panel
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Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2017 1:52 am
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I have 4.12.4 on two separate Windows 10 laptops, and WAV files do not play correctly as they did in previous versions of QLC+, they play high pitched squealing for a few seconds. The same WAV files play OK on Raspberry Pi version of QLC+.

I have tried several WAV files and all have the same behavior. I have rebooted my Windows 10 system as well.

For reference, I just purchased this WAV file from Beatport and it too does not play - just high-pitched squealing: https://www.beatport.com/release/irrenh ... ix/3430662

You can see in a new workspace that QLC+ has the wrong file info vs. Windows file info.
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This can't be right ...
ScreenHunter_24 Sep. 09 13.29.png
!! 1411kbps sample rate !!
resample the wav-file and try again
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You are confusing bit rate with sample rate. What I have shown is correct - that is how Windows displays bit rates... For WAV files, the bit rate = (bit depth) x (sample rate) x (number of channels). So for a recording with a 44100 Hz sample rate, 2 channels (stereo) and 16-bit depth: 44100 x 2 x 16 = 1411200 bits per second, or, 1411.2 kbps. This is correct. The media plays correctly in all other Windows apps, and also on Raspberry Pi.

Just for fun, I resampled with VLC media player anyway - the problem remains.

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