GPIO issue with last Maximo RPI image (raspios_buster_20210627)

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Hello everybody

Quite a long time i have come over here ;-)
I have just downloaded the last Maximo image for raspberry
I am trying to trigger a chaser by using gpio input without any success.
I have enabled GPIO plugin as input (with and without output also, just to be sure) for Universe 1.
In button configuration, autodetection does not show anything. I have also tried to set up manually the gpio pin.
But nothing is triggered by using a push button wired on the gpio pin (i have tried gpio.18 but also other gpio pns, as described in the documentation).

At last, using wiringPI, i could tell the state of pin is switching from 0 to 1 when pushing the button. It seems then the issue comes from my QLCPLUS configuration. Any help would be fine, thanks.
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zik wrote: Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:44 am At last, using wiringPI, i could tell the state of pin is switching from 0 to 1 when pushing the button.
That's a very good start, now you know your hardware is wired correctly. Now you have to make sure that QLC+ also looks at or pulling down or pulling up.
In the .pdf file, you can look up and make a change inside the config files.

Lastly, take into consideration that GPIO is flank triggered. It is not a 0 or 1 level, it is 'going to 1' or 'going to 0'
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GGGss wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:04 am
In the .pdf file, you can look up and make a change inside the config files.

Thanks GGGss
I have been looking for information into raspberry guide and user manual but could not find anuthing regarding a change in a config file to get gpio works.
Could you be more specific please?
Thanks again for your help
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I have not had a problem with GPIOs.
Again please make sure you are using a pull-down/pull-up resistor as required.
As an alternative, if you just need the capability to "push a button to do something" you can use any USB keyboard.
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