RGB Panel Patterns: Phase/Offset?

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Posts: 16
Joined: Thu May 27, 2021 7:16 pm
Real Name: Oliver Keller

So I´ve played around with a single RGB strip and thanks to QLC had quick success in generating a bunch of nice patterns. Soon, I wanted more but hit a limit.

Let´s say you have a plasma colouring all pixels. You add a mask of a moving dot (opposite), so you get a moving dot that changes colors which themselves are moving places, so each time the dot reaches the end of the strip, the color is a little different.

How would you create a second dot that does not start at the very same position as the first dot? Ideally, you´d just copy the first moving dot, define an offset / phase shift / delay and be done. But all I achieved was two masks in the same position, which of course is not helpful.

I fiddled with the speed settings but that didn´t work. Granted, I may just have picked wrong values or combinations. Sorry if the answer is too obvious, I´m just getting started with those strip thingies.
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