Receiving serial commands (RS232)

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Apr 20, 2021 7:21 am
Real Name: Denny Voch


I would like to integrate DMX lights into a Kramer Control setup.
Is there any chance to trigger QLC+ Scenes with serial commands from a usb>serial converter?

Is there a different way?

Maybe somebody already tried and can help.

Thanks in advance and greetings from Vienna

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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Hi, please be more specific.

There are two plugins related to "serial" adapters in QLC+:
- dmsusb supports mostly FTDI devices also with input
- uart does only output

If you have a FTDI adapter, you can send a DMX universe to QLC+ and trigger functions by changing channel values (eg 0 -> 255 ON, 255 -> 0 OFF)
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