Flicker problem

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:52 am
Real Name: Ty DesEnfants

Hey, I've searched and can't find an answer, but I am setting up a new controller using the BitWizard "hat" and the paid official RPi image download from here on a Pi 3. It boots up fine and I can add fixtures and even fade them on and off using the simple desk. However there is a constant flicker problem.

The lights flicker constantly when they are on. They remain off when the sliders are off however they flicker when they are on at any level. Seem to flicker worse when the mouse is being moved around??? I'm sure it is a setting I have not tweaked correctly but I'm not sure where to look. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
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First off: Bitwizard has a default setting from the factory: It acts as a DMX input (!)
So now we have different possibilities: Or the flickering comes from an endless loop (output, input, output, ...) Or the DMX timing is odd and your fixtures react strangely to that.
My suggestion is to 'rebuild' your environment from scratch and follow the instructions precisely. After that, I would start tweaking with values.
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Behaviours like that might depend on undervoltage situations. Make sure the power adaptor is appropriate (5V 2.5A)
Also adding a DMX line termination is always a good thing to do.
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:52 am
Real Name: Ty DesEnfants

Thanks all for the replies. The issue was fixed when I changed from the Raspian Buster image back to the Raspian Stretch version with the appropriate QLC+ files. Now all seems fixed. Maybe the Buster files are too much for a Pi3? I don't know but it works great on Stretch so I'm happy. Thanks!
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