Still Can't see fixture even after file add to app

The issues found when using the Fixture Manager panel
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Joined: Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:17 pm
Real Name: Aly Howe

Hi I'm still having trouble seeing new fixtures.

I am a Mac user and new to the programme.

I have copied a new fixture into the correct place so it should show in the library: 'show packed contents/Resources/Fixtures etc. But when I try and see it in the library when adding a new fixture within the programme it is not there. I even tried just adding a new folder and naming it to see if the programme was recognising changes in these folders but again I can't see any changes when trying to add a new fixture in the QLC programme.

Is there a solution or any way around this? Way to physically import the profile in a new project?
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That's not where you place new fixtures
See #4 here: ... swers.html
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I have the same problem. And there was no folder for user fixtures in Library/Application\ Support/. So I created it and copied the file in there. Still nothing.
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These are the paths on a Mac:

Code: Select all

$HOME/Library/Application Support/QLC+
Sounds like you need to drop the fixture definition in $HOME/Library/Application Support/QLC+/Fixtures.
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(and restart QLC+ afterwards, so they get included)
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