EFX with channels that has dual functions

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Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:34 am
Real Name: Clive Davies


I have searched for a similar issue and found some close but not a solution.

My issue is I have a new fixture (Cameo Wookie 400RGB) that is supported, and it has channels for XY movement that are dual use. Channel is split, 0-127 controls position, and 128-255 controls movement speed. My problem is trying to use the EFX, where I assume (Cannot confirm) that the DMX is using 0-255, and I want to limit this to 0-127. Is this possible, as I have tried all the tutorials and the fixture editor docs but I'm stumped. I do hope there is a way to solve this so I can automate movement.

Love the program and as I learn more, very comprehensive.

Best regards.
Posts: 42
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Real Name: Mr Mike

The fixture definition looks to have those functions defined as capabilities for channels 5 through 9, so it should be possible in QLC+ to do this.

In the Virtual Console create the widget you want to use to control the value (likely knob or slider), and then open up the widget properties sheet (I typically right-click on the element in the virtual console and select it from there).

Under the "Level" tab, you should see your fixture. Expand the tree to see the channels for the fixture you want to change, tick the checkbox next to that channel, then expand the tree of the channel you want to modify to see it's capabilities.

At this point you should see something like "Manual Rolling" 0-127 and "Speed Rolling" 128-255. Select the "Manual Rolling" capability, and click the "From Capabilities" button near the top-right of the dialog. Click the "OK" button, and you should be in business.

When you switch the Virtual Console to operate mode, you should now see that your knob or slider is limited to values 0-127


Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:34 am
Real Name: Clive Davies


Many thanks for this detailed guide. I will look into the more 'direct' control wigets, my next step. I was attempting to use the EFX movement as I do with my Heads but I could not figure out what was happening. Time spent after making my post I have discovered that if I offset the movement and scale it down it only has limited effect on the channel. I saw this by using the simple desk, which TBF I had mostly ignored. I'm working now to get logic to the settings for this device. No rush, takes up time during lockdown.

I have also found that the effect for XY control work in strange way. I would expect the control to be incremental from 0 - 127 and the movement to follow, but it seems to be 'zeroed' at a mid point, so it goes down first then up past mid point to max and back to mid. I hope this makes sense and I'm not surprised I was getting erratic movement from the EFX.

Thanks again and I'm still investigating and learning a lot about QLC+.

Best regards.

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Besides that above, you can use Channel modifiers to limit the channel to 0-127 range (or in other words map 0-255 range to 0-127).
By doing that you get simpler EFX but lose access to the other half of the channel (which you may not need anyway...)

See https://www.qlcplus.org/docs/html_en_EN ... rties.html
Draw a line from [0,0] to [255,127] the start point is in the lower left corner, the end point is in the middle of the right edge.

Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:34 am
Real Name: Clive Davies


Thanks as this answers my original question directly. I have found though that I need the second (127-255) as it controls the movement speed, so as I've now established that I need offsets in the EFX I can get some reasonable results.

Stay safe & best regards,

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