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Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:29 am
Real Name: Paolo Ciscato


I am pretty new to QLC+, and after some days of learning and testing on our setup I have some questions, because I think that some things can be done easily.

Question 1:
I create a chaser that simulate heartpulse on par, very simple in 2 steps with right hold/fade times, in loop mode.
I would like to insert this effect in a part of a song, so I open the show manager, upload audio files and add functions using timeline
No problem with static scenes, because I can set hold time until needs, but when I want to insert the heartpulse effect, it last only one cycle.
Changing the hold/fade timings means that I lose the pulse effect. The only way is copy/paste the 2 steps until I reach the time desidered.
Is this the right way?

Question 2:
I want to do a sequence where various scenes have to run simultaneously.
Start with all lights in red, after 30s want to leave all lights red except for mobile led bars (previously in red) that have to change color in white and start moving, after 1 minutes want to insert mobile heads effect leaving other lights running. How can I do that? Chasers execute scenes in sequence so it's not the right way.

In next days for sure will have other questions
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Hi Paolo,
Can you post an example project of what you’ve done explaining what you want to achieve?.
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:29 am
Real Name: Paolo Ciscato

Attach Project and Custom Fixtures used, thanks.

I try to explane

Question 1:
If I have a chaser with 2 steps (in my project called Rosso Pulsante): Step 1 Red for 500 ms Step 2: Black out with appropriate fade in and out timing.
I want that this pulse run for 10 seconds during a song, but the only way I found is duplicate the function 10 times on timeline.
I would like simply choose the chaser, and set a loop for 10s. It is possible?

Question 2:
Moving LED Bars:
I would like to make a button in the Virtual Console that turn on white channel, and move up and down bars, and I don't figure how to do.
I have two separate buttons linked to chasers (one for colour and another one for movement up/down), but i want only one that do both chasers simultaneously.

I am pretty sure that there is a better way to do this

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Real Name: Mark Lohrey

Hi Paolo,

In answer to Part 1. It is possible.
1. Create a sequence with the two steps required for your pulse and put it on a loop.
2. Create a chaser and add the 'pulse' sequence to the chaser and set the hold time of the chaser to 10s
3. Add this to the show.

Make sure that the chaser doesn't have a fade time. There are known issues when a sequence with fade times is then added to a chaser with fade times. It mostly affects theatre applications. I am hoping it will be fixed one day ;-)

I have used the above technique to place RGB matrix effects and EFX into shows.

The show feature of QLC+ is great but frustrating at times. If you want to be super precise with your show, you should stick to adding sequences. Your pulse for example, could just be a sequence and you could then copy and paste each step so you get desired effect. The show manager, as I understand it, was designed with sequences in mind.


Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:29 am
Real Name: Paolo Ciscato

mlohrey wrote: Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:28 am Hi Paolo,


Mark, thank you very much. I use show manager because it's timeline structure is ideal to program a show "song based".

Tipically I make a show for every song, and insert scenes, chasers, rgb matrix, but I noted that:

1) if I insert a scene on a timeline, and then delete it, also the main scene is deleted.
2) Sometimes SM insert the scene, sometimes create a "New Sequence XXX". I don't understand differences

So in the Show Manager is better to always use sequence I suppose, in the beginning I thought that Show Manager simply links the functions, but clearly is not...

My approach is:

Create Separate Scenes for every group (Pars, Bars, Mobile Heads, Strobos).
Create Total Scenes for all lights (Total Red for example)
Create some chasers, efx, rgb matrices...
Insert them in the timeline of the song

But sometimes some parts doesn't work anymore, because one of the step is deleted.

Will use sequences from here...

Thanks again
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